Nikki Mac. English and Biology Teacher.

What Is My Role as a Teacher?

  • To prepare students to be critical thinkers in a global community now fuelled by increasing innovations in technology (with the first internet boom—the super highway). This will guide them to become problem solvers and active contributors to whichever community they choose to be a part of.

How Do I Facilitate This?

  • Providing stimulating lessons that enhance student learning through real-world, authentic, relevnat and challenging applications of the curriculum material

  • Connecting with other members of the education system within my school and my community to identify and target problem areas that diminish student engagement, absorption of educational contect and student learning.

  • Supporting students who may be struggling within the educational sphere in which they reside—this includes not only addressing deficits in academics but also addressing impacts to their social emotional learning and growth.

    • This will be achieved by working closely my community of peers at various levels of expertise, to ensure a collaborative and effective effort, beneficial to my students.


Love to Learn.

Students learn best when given room to thrive and access to a number of learning engagements that are not solely focused on memorisation and standardised tests



Say hello.